Friday, 27 June 2014

Driving to Latvia

After a couple of hours of sleep Katka and I got into my car a little after 2am..

I drove for the first five hours so I don't have any photos of the beautiful sunrise and the ribbons of fog that lay on the fields. It was so beautiful. 

In Poland there was a lot of this. 

And a lot of storks. 

And a lot of this. 

Poland is long!

We started to see signs for the Belarus border but we were actually heading to Lithuania. 

Lithuania seemed so empty. Just lots of heavy goods lorries and not a lot of space to overtake. 

We got into Latvia and arrived in Riga at 6pm, in perfect time for dinner. There is a one hour time difference so, including breaks, the drive took us 15 hours. 

Although the drive was long but it was good! Getting to Warsaw by 7 meant we missed a lot of traffic. 

Very thankful we got here safely! 

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