Friday, 2 May 2014

Photo Friday - 2nd May

The wonderful Anezka and Marek got married in Prague. It was a beautiful day spent with beautiful people. Here are all the Northern Irish at the wedding.

I loved getting to spend time throughout Saturday and Sunday with all these people - it was fun to just be able to hop on a train to see them in Prague!

And this is what I left Prague with! It is fun to have a Northern Irish stash of food in my flat.

Now that summer is closer my town square is holding more and more events.

Mel, the vice president of Josiah Venture, welcoming our first night of JV Spring Conference. The theme was Relentless, focusing on God's grace. 

Ben and Kristy shared about life in Ukraine. 

We had time with our camp team pre-summer. It was great to connect with them. These are the people who are running camps in their respective countries! There are a lot more that just aren't in the picture.

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