Title: How to Live Dangerously. The Hazards of Helmets, the Benefits of Bacteria, and the Risks of Living Too Safe.
Author: Warwick Cairns
What’s it about: This book looks at the statistics behind the things we commonly fear to reveal that we maybe shouldn't be all that scared of those things. In doing this it reveals that our lives are too governed by fear and how to embrace living dangerously by pushing back on fear. It's not a Christian book, in fact the author seems rather anti-God at points, but it was a good read.
Why did I read it: This book kept popping up in various places and I thought it looked interesting so I decided to pick it up!
Favourite idea: That because of how we engage with the world (for example, by getting our news from the internet, TV and newspapers) we see a different world than the one we live in - we assume that because we see a certain bad thing on the news each night that that bad thing is a very common occurrence. This really affects our emotions and what we fear.
Where can you buy it? The Book Depository
This year I'm participating in the Empty Shelf Challenge that runs from 26th December 2013 to 31st December 2014. I'm excited to see how many books I read this year!
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