Friday, 20 March 2015

Photo Friday - 20th March

I feel like all the products made with poor English get sent to countries where English is not the first language in the hopes that no-one will notice.

Sunday was spent in Krakow with some from our camp team as we discussed our findings from a research project looking at our summer camps and what makes students "stick" afterwards.

Monday involved some very special baking...

And I loved celebrating Saint Patrick's Day here! I wrote more about it in this post

Spring has definitely sprung and I am so enjoying the longer evenings.

On Thursday I had my annual work review. It was a fun process to reflect on the past year and God's incredible grace. He has been so faithful and it was good to think this through, and to see where He has helped me grow, and to dream and plan and make goals. I am so thankful to work in an organisation where I am encouraged to grow and develop! 

And on Friday I headed to Slovakia to see a conference put on by our organisation there. Over the four day conference they had 800 leaders! The theme was The Upside Down Kingdom and there were seminars on various topics. My favourite thing was connecting with our wonderful Slovak family and seeing their incredible work! 

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