Saturday 12 July 2014

Camp 1000!

Go click on this link and spend 90 seconds watching a very cool video put together by our communications team!

This Saturday is a very exciting milestone! We knew that this summer, somewhere in the midst of the 119 camps we're doing, would be Josiah Venture's 1000th camp. So I sat down with an excel spreadsheet of camps and dates and tried to figure it out.

The exciting things is that it can't be figured out - there are seventeen camps beginning this Saturday, 12th July, with JV in Latvia, Poland and the Czech Republic. One of them is Josiah Venture's 1000th camp!

I have been doing camps with JV since 2007 and now my role has me serving them year-round as I help equip and resource those serving in our camp teams across JV. 

I passionately believe in these camps as a valuable ministry pathway. Not only have thousands of young people had the opportunity to hear about a God who loves them, but because we only do camps when we partner with local churches, they are also an incredible leadership development tool.

It is so exciting to see God at work through camps. I'm thankful for His faithfulness and the knowledge that He will complete what He has started. 

Today marks the beginning of two camps near to my heart - the one with Dejvice church in Prague where my home church will be serving (the camp I was a part of for four years) and my own Czech church's camp. I'll be at my Czech church's camp all week and I'm so excited to see what God does!

You can read a blog post on this milestone from Josiah Venture's president here

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