Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Community of MTI

One of my favourite things about MTI was the community of people there.  There were slightly different groups for both courses, although there were also a lot of people who were there for both courses.  It was such a joy to get to know and be around people who love Jesus and who are heading out all over the world to serve Him, in a million different ways.

We were all different.  Different denominations, backgrounds, accents, with many different passions.  And yet we had all been called by God to head into cross-cultural mission full time, whether for a couple of years or until we retire.

CS Lewis wrote ““Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”  Those moments were frequent in these groups of people as we talked about the yay and the yuck of leaving those we love for places and people we also love, the yay and the yuck of support raising, and the many other facets of life that are unique to people in our particular situation.  Those “me too” moments, that deep understanding that comes, even without many words sometimes, through shared experiences were so encouraging and reassuring. 

I am so thankful for the people I got to meet and build relationships with while I was at MTI.  It was wonderful to hear how God called these people and the work they are joining in various ministries across the world. 

I am especially grateful for the deeper relationships I was able to build in my time there – with the incredible ladies in my growth group as we wrestled through tough topics and spoke into each others lives, with the wonderful families and the various couples and individuals. 

Being a part of this grace-filled community of people, along with the dedicated and experienced instructors and coaches, was a large part of why MTI was such a blessing for me.  Being able to process hard things, discuss tough topics, worship God and rejoice together was a beautiful, beautiful thing and I am so grateful.

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