Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Term 3

So, I’ve been back two months now and felt it was time to write about the third term before it completely disappeared from memory!

Well, my co-leader, Josh, had to leave the Czech Republic in the middle of the second term and he managed to get back just twelve hours before people started to fly out at the end of the summer.  So that meant that I was the main leader for all of our third English camp.  A full time JV missionary came along to help with camp but unfortunately he became rather sick just a couple of days into the camp and had to leave. 

So there were lots of jokes about me being abandoned for this camp but that felt far from the case – I feel one of the biggest things God did during the third term was in my heart, reassuring me that He was all I needed and then giving me a very practical lesson in that when suddenly the most experienced person at that camp was me and I felt so inadequate!  Thankfully He is abundantly able and His strength was made perfect in my weakness, especially when I felt horribly unwell during the week. 

And I was far from abandoned in human terms too: we had a team of twenty Alaskans who loved students so well and the HawaiIreland team were great in Josh’s absence.  A shout out to technology too: HeyTell is an app that lets you send voice messages to people and was such a blessing as encouragement came down through it!  Not to mention phone calls and texts.  And, weirdly, lack of communication was also rather reassuring: I knew there were people I could call in a heartbeat if I needed to but other than that they were confident that English Camp was not doing to dissolve. 

And English camp did not dissolve!  It was such a privilege to work alongside the amazing team from Havlickuv Brod.  Their passion to reach Czech students with the glorious Gospel was so evident even in how they thought through all the details of camp and they were a joy to work with.  It was also an incredible privilege for me to do five of the seven evening programs, to once again clearly present the Gospel to students. 

God’s grace was so clear that week and I’m sure I’ll be remembering those lessons for a long time to come!

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